This is written as a practicing physician who also is taking tadalafil (Cialis) for ED which is not covered by most insurance and has exorbitant pricing in the US.
I'd give five stars based on a decade of experience, save my imperfect knowledge about the corporation or changes in ownership. Many off-shore pharmacies are sketchy. My experiences, however, have been reassuring. Shipping from India takes a month, barring, say, Covid supply-chain issues, but staff have been professional, payments credited and shipments received without incident. TCP complies with local prescribing rules such as maximum quantity allowed and carefully reviews other meds, conditions, etc. Meds are much cheaper if sourced in Asia rather than Canada - one of the reasons for not giving five stars - but my product comes from India, which I trust somewhat more than China, which is notorious for exporting counterfeit meds.
Dealing with a Canadian or other offshore pharmacy is a grey market - there are laws on the books, written as much to protect corporate profits as patient safety, prohibiting the practice but which is generally not enforced, depending partly on the administration at the time. This can also lead to the pharmacies being treated generally as illicit, which, for example, leads to their web sites being blocked on some systems or attempts to prevent them using usual payment systems. It behoves anyone chasing this option to learn what you can in advance.
The flip side is if you are doomed to paying retail for, say, 100 units of insulin daily, or a $200/unit steroid asthma inhaler, and have no means of doing so, it allows you to take advantage of government regulation of prices which is done in most civilized countries, save the USA.
Another alternative for (non-narcotic) meds is simply traveling to Canada or Mexico, though where the meds are not available OTC (as they often are in Mexico), you may need a MD visit there first. The last I knew, this was allowed for people who could show that they were filling meds for their personal use (not sure about family members). Again, educate yourself first, especially if you don't happen to be living in, say, Detroit or Brownsville TX and there will be substantial cost and time involved in getting there. Obviously, mail order is easier.